What is the cost?

We are in a preliminary-rollout phase of our product offering. Currently, all accounts and all game templates are entirely free. We encourage our customers to choose a template, create a set of questions, and install the finished game on your Website or Learning Management System (LMS).

Up to 20 games from templates are completely free until January 1, 2022. All games created and downloaded before that date can be used indefinitely without any costs at all.

We are excited and eager to get our games out into the hands of customers and their students. We want your suggestions and feedback. We are committed to building a community of users, and we want to understand how you would like our product to grow, evolve and change. We want to work with you to make H5Engines a valuable part of your learning product offering.

For more information, please email us at support@h5engines.com or set up a consultation and demo here.