Is H5Build available for use?

Both H5Write and H5Build are currently available for use. Access to H5Build is available by requests for beta-testing, and we are eager to have participants.

Please select the H5Build menu and request access.

H5Build is a powerful professional tool for publishers, designers, developers, and animators. We are committed to supporting a community of users and making sure our ongoing development efforts are guided by the demands and requests from that community.

We have an onboarding process involving online demos and webinars to facilitate our users becoming competent with H5Build quickly. We need to manage our beta-test group’s size and experience level to support their development with H5Build effectively.

Our design and development team is currently available to custom-create any game or activity for our enterprise clients. The ongoing maintenance and scaling of the products we develop can be handled by our team or taken over by our client’s in-house team.

Please email us at or set up a consultation and demo here.