H5Write: Interface Overview

Start by exploring many games to understand the various designs, options, and variations available.

You will modify most attributes of all games, but it is easiest to start with a game template that meets your needs.

Scroll down at any time in the game to access H5Write. You need to be signed in to your account to use the H5Write. You will be prompted to Sign-in if you have an account or Sign-up for a free account if you do not have one. This account is entirely free, and no credit card information is taken.

Once in H5Write, you can immediately start writing questions and choices.

H5C Opening Screen_Labels

  1. Menu Bar: You will use the menu bar to access most functionality. See “Menu Bar Overview” for more information about each menu item.
  2. Thumbnail: This thumbnail image allows you instantly recognize which game you are editing.
  3. Preview Button: This button will perform a save-and-preview. All edits are saved to the cloud, and your current game will open in a separate window. The game will play from the beginning. Several settings will affect the way the game plays. You can also preview individual questions by using the Preview Current Question button. See #6 below. For more information about settings that can make previewing more convenient, see QA mode in “Game Settings: Global
  4. Save Button: This button will save all current edits to the cloud. This button is dimmed when there are no unsaved changes and available whenever there are unsaved changes.
  5. Question Number: Use the Next and Previous arrows to navigate through the questions.
  6. Preview Current Question: This button will perform a save-and-preview. All edits are saved to the cloud, and your current question will open in a separate window. The current question will be presented immediately and the title screen and intro will be skipped.
  7. Move Question Up: Use this button to move a question up in the question list. Each click will move the current question up one position.
  8. Move Question Down: Use this button to move a question down in the question list. Each click will move the current question down one position.
  9. Add Question: Use this button to add a question to the question list. The new question will be added directly after the current question and will be the active viewed question.
  10. Delete Current Question: Use this button to delete the current question. A dialogue box will be presented to confirm the deletion.
  11. Game-Play Override: Select this item to access all the options that allow you to modify the Game-Play settings for just this current question. For more information, see “Game-Play Override: Overview
  12. Question Field: Type your question into this field.
  13. Correct Answer Checkbox: Use this checkbox to indicate the correct answer or all correct answers.
  14. Choice 1 Field: Type your first “Answer Option” into this field. Type subsequent answer options into the additional fields and add more choices fields as needed. You are only limited by the available screen space in your game. You can modify the layout, size, and other attributes of the choices to accommodate more choices. Choices can be presented to the game user in the current order as written or random order.
  15. Insert a Choice: Use this button to add a new choice directly after the current choice.
  16. Delete This Choice: Use this button to delete a choice.
  17. Question Number List: This list of numbered buttons allow for easy navigation from question to question and instantly seeing which question you are on.
  18. Design Override: Select this item to access all the options that allow you to modify the Design settings for just this current question. For more information, see “Design Override: Overview”.