Gameplay Override: Overview

The Game-Play Overrides provide the ability to modify the gameplay of a specific question and make it different from the default settings for the game.

If you would like to globally change a gameplay setting for the entire game, you should access View → Game Settings. For more information, see “Games Settings: Overview”.

Overrides are for overriding the global settings on individual questions.

Submit type

A player’s question response can be submitted in two ways. The two submit types are:

  1. Immediate feedback: A player’s choice is submitted and evaluated immediately upon selection.

  2. With confirm button: A player is presented with a confirm button, upon their first selection. The choice(s) is not submitted until the confirm button is selected. The play can change their mind and/or make multiple selections. Options: The text on the button can be customized.

Question score: A question’s score can be any numerical value. Decimal and negative values are accepted.

Number of attempts: You can allow your players up to 10 attempts at a question.

Number across: Choices can be arranged into columns. You can specify up to 10 columns. The choice-container dimensions, location, horizontal and vertical spacing between choices, is set globally in the Game Settings.

Disable selected incorrect: Incorrect selections can be disabled after each attempt. If set to “Yes”, an incorrect choice is not available on a subsequent attempt. If Disable selected incorrect is set to “No”, all choices are available for selection at each attempt.

Reveal correct answer: When set to “Yes”, the correct answer is revealed after the final attempt of each question.

Feedback: Feedback can be shown or not shown.

There are 4 types of feedback that can be customized for each question:

  1. Correct: Presented after a correct answer. This feedback will be followed by the next question. Text options could be: Correct!, Well Done!, Yahoo!
  2. Partial correct: This feedback occurs when the player has at least one more attempt, and they have successfully selected one of several correct answers. Text options could be: Correct, but there are more! or Yes, but keep going, you missed one or more!
  3. Incorrect: This feedback occurs when the player has at least one more attempt, and they have selected an incorrect answer. Text options could be: Incorrect! Try Again or Nope! Give it another go!
  4. Final incorrect: This feedback occurs on a final attempt, when an incorrect answer was selected. This feedback will be followed by the next question. Text options could be: Incorrect! or Nope!.