The choices boxes have 6 states that can be modified with CSS. These are the states:
Normal State: This is the default state that is used initially for all choices when they are presented.
Mouse-over State: This is the state used when the mouse rolls over a choice box.
Selected State: This is the state used when a choice has been selected but has not yet been evaluated. This is used when the submit type is “with confirm button”. The selected choices will reflect this state until the Confirm Button is selected.
Correct State: This state is used in two situations:
(1) A correct answer had been selected and evaluated, but the question is not complete because there are additional attempts and all correct answers have not been selected.
(2) The question is complete and “Reveal Correct Answers” is set to “Yes”. -
Incorrect State: This state is used to indicate incorrect choices.
Disabled State: This state is used when “Disable Selected Incorrect” is set to “Yes”. Disabled options are not available for selection on subsequent attempts.